
Kino-zen bavaro matcha 紀の善 抹茶ババロア

My friend Motoha Iijima the cake professional recommender reccomnended this bavaro.And it was super good. I ate it with hot coffee in my house.And Mr.Nishida danced for joy. 飯島モトハさんという素晴らしいケーキイーターの友人がLINE@でおすす…

The best way to relieve stress is having a sense of accomplishment 達成感を感じることが一番のストレス解消法

People feel happy when we've achibed something. Get sense of achivement from checking your micro-task! It is OK the everyday affairs. You should write down it and check and release. 何かを達成すると、人は幸せを感じます。小さいタスクを☑して…